James Cameron Justifies ‘Avatar 2’s Lengthy ‘Hangout’ Sequences: ‘People Forget to Put Beauty Into a Film’ (Exclusive Video)

The filmmaker also tells TheWrap that Fox tried to cut flying scenes from the first “Avatar” for lack of plot

James Cameron knows there are plenty of people who complain about the length of so-called “hangout” sequences in his “Avatar” movies. But for him, those people are missing the point.

“Let’s just be here, right? I mean that’s, I think, what the film is saying. You liking what you see? Let’s hang out,” Cameron told TheWrap as part of our “Avatar: The Way of Water” cover story. “Let’s just hang out, look around, smell the roses. Movies don’t do that.”

The Oscar-winning director said there were battles with 20th Century Fox on the first “Avatar” movie when executives wanted to cut some of the film’s flying sequences.
