Jack Black and Nick Jonas debuted their trippy, yet hilarious, music video for their new “Jumanji” theme song — and now you won’t be able to get the tune out of your head for the rest of the day.
Black and Jonas showed their fellow cast mates, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Karen Gillan and Kevin Hart, the new video, which Johnson hoped would be some “Grammy-level s—.”
In it, Black and Jonas make fun of their characters in the upcoming film, due out in theaters this Wednesday. The clip, titled, “Jumanji Jumanji,” includes wind machines and hilarious special effects.
The cast had a mixed reaction after viewing the music video.
“Is it finished?” Gillan said, adding that she thought the movie already had a theme song: “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns N’ Roses.
“I’ll address the elephant in the room — that was s—,” Hart said bluntly, telling The Rock, a producer on the film, to shut it down.
“I liked it. It’s got something…” Johnson said as soon as Hart and Gillan left the room.
Black has been singing the song on various talk shows, including “The Graham Norton Show” and “Conan.”
Watch the music video above.