"Iron Man 3" premiered on TorrentFreak's list as the third most illegally downloaded film this week — and it hasn't even premiered in North America yet.
The latest Robert Downey, Jr. superhero vehicle made the list thanks to theater rips performed with a digital video camera.
Also read: 'Iron Man 3' Trailer: The Mandarin, Revenge, and a Lot of Iron Men (Video)
The film, which opened worldwide Wednesday and shows up domestically on Friday, is already cleaning up internationally at the box office, bringing in $195.3 million in its around-the-world release.
As for the TorrentFreak Top 10, Tom Cruise-starrer "Jack Reacher" was the most pirated movie for the second week in a row. Other new films include "The Last Stand" and "21 and Over."
The list includes IMDB rankings in its calculations. Here's the complete list:
1. "Jack Reacher"
2. "The Last Stand."
3. "Iron Man 3"
4. "21 and Over"
5. "The Host"
6. "Movie 43"
7. "Gangster Squad"
8. "Mama""
9. "A Haunted House"
10. "G.I. Joe: Retaliation"