Iranian-American Actor Tells Stephen Colbert How Trump’s Travel Ban Impacts His Life (Video)

“Superior Donuts” star Maz Jobrani stopped by “The Late Show” on Thursday to get personal about the executive order

“Superior Donuts” star Maz Jobrani, who’s Iranian-American, appeared on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on Thursday to share how President Trump is impacting his life.

“It’s been great,” Jobrani said sarcastically joked. “Relatives can’t come.”

Trump originally issued an executive order blacking travel from seven predominantly Muslim nations. Courts shot down the ban, but a revised version limits travel from six predominantly Muslim nations and is scheduled to start later this month.

“So your relatives can’t come visit for 120 days, at least, at this point,” Colbert said as the interview took a serious tone.

“You know what’s crazy… at first they tried to sell it as, this is for the safety of Americans, we’re trying to keep terrorists out,” Jobrani said. “But none of the countries on the list had ever committed an act of terrorism in America.

Jobrani told Colbert he takes issue with White House adviser Kellyanne Conway defending the ban as “small price to pay” for travelers not directly affected by it.

“I wanted to reach in the TV and shake her,” Jobrani said of Conway. “There were people who needed medical attention who couldn’t come to America because of it… families were being torn apart. It was really upsetting.”

Check out the video above.
