Cory Monteith‘s death from heroin use is not an accident.
Where did Monteith get the heroin? How could he get an illegal substance? Who were the “three unidentified people” who left his room on Friday night as reported by the Daily Mail? The British Columbia Coroner’s Service adds, “It should be noted that there is no evidence to suggest Mr. Monteith’s death was anything other than a most-tragic accident.”
Heroin use is not accidental. It involves purchasing an illegal substance and manipulating and enticing the addict to want to use it. When Monteith was in L.A., he did not use, it has been reported. But when he returned to his home town of Vancouver, he used. He slipped. He fell off the wagon, even though he had attended AA meetings in Vancouver
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Getting sober means changing people, places and things. But Monteith did not honor one of the basic rules for getting and staying sober: changing friends. His old friends need to be investigated. Sure, he is responsible for using, but someone had to get the heroin to him, and this someone should be held responsible for Cory Monteith‘s death.
Why did he want the heroin? Why does an alcoholic want a drink? It is not the substance that is the problem. It is the thinking that leads to the drinking or using. Monteith had recently completed his second stint in rehab. His sobriety was fragile. He needed to be surrounded by sober people. Obviously he was not. ALL these people he had seen in Vancouver should be investigated for substance abuse. Killing a celebrity by selling him heroin is not an accident. Someone gave or sold the heroin to Monteith.
Also read: Cory Monteith Died of Heroin, Alcohol, Coroner Says
How do I know about substance abuse? I am a recovering alcoholic/addict and have not had a drink or a drug for 32 years. Whoopee, you say. How can I relate to someone newly sober? Sobriety truly is a day at a time. Recently I had major surgery and could have loaded up on painkillers such as vicodin. I did not. I have new friends today.
In 1980, I was living in Hollywood and had to change friends like underwear. I am addressing “people.” Also the trendy restaurants such as Elaine’s in NYC and Morton’s in L.A. were replaced by coffee shops and the company of sober friends, usually after a meeting. I am addressing “places.” Yes, I made mistakes in sobriety, but I smiled on.
Cory Monteith sold his story about overcoming substance abuse in 2011 to Parade magazine not long after becoming sober, which was too soon. He could not stay sober and should not have revealed his problem with drugs with so little sobriety. I, too, sold my story to Parade in 1987, but I had eight years of sobriety to back it up.
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Fame and publicity are tough for recovering addicts to endure. And that is just what fame is about — endurance. A test of the ego juxtaposed against the self-loathing which is the core of addiction. The clash of ego and self-loathing can lead to a desire to use.
Robert Downey Jr. is a triumph of living a sober life under the microscope of fame.
Did I ever use heroin? In 1979, I was offered it at a party. A hip, slick rock ‘n’ roll dude was following me at a party and offered it to a beautiful blonde actress and me. I rejected his offer. As drunk as I was, I still remember his pushing H with the goal of hooking a stunning blonde and me. I could feel his need to hook us and carve some notch in his status of pusher in the subterfuge of the smarmy but social drug world.
It is still unclear what happened to Monteith in the hours leading up to his death. According to authorities, he and three unidentified people left his hotel room on Friday night, and the actor returned alone at around 2:15 a.m. Hotel staff found his body shortly after noon, when Monteith failed to check out.
I implore the Vancouver police to find these three unidentified people and their friends. Investigate Cory Monteith‘s unnecessary death.