Inanna Sarkis Launches Genderless Street Wear Brand VISUS to Support COVID-19 Relief Efforts

WrapWomen LA Blog: WrapWomen Next-Gen Ambassador Inanna Sarkis on what inspired VISUS and her work with the International Medical Corps to fight against COVID-19

Innana Sarkis
(Photo Credit: Shane McCauley)

The best part about quarantine – hands down – is the loungewear. People in jeans, what are you trying to prove? There’s nothing like going to work wearing an elastic waistband and a sweatshirt. But wait, it gets better. Now you can lounge knowing your sweatpants are helping to fight against gender stereotypes and the COVID-19 pandemic. It turns out superheroes don’t need capes, they just need a great hoodie and a face mask.

Last month, 26-year-old actress and WrapWomen Next-Gen Ambassador Inanna Sarkis and her brother Tony launched VISUS, a genderless streetwear brand designed “for those who refuse to conform and stay true to their vision.” A percentage of the proceeds are donated to the International Medical Corps (IMC) in support of the COVID-19 pandemic and all orders come with a complimentary mask.

During a recent interview with WrapWomen, Sarkis, who has over 10.4 million followers on Instagram, talks about her inspiration behind the brand, her experience working with the IMC in Jordan and how she was able to turn her passion into a charitable business.

Tell us about VISUS. What was your inspiration?

My brother Tony Sarkis and I were inspired by the name VISUS, which means “vision” in Latin. It represents a state of mind. Whatever your pursuit in life is, it begins with a vision. Starting from the bottom and doing whatever it takes to get to where you want to be – not conforming and trusting yourself and the vision you have, no matter how hard the road may be. That is the state of mind that the brand represents.

Inanna Sarkis VISUS

Before launching VISUS, what made you realize “I need to do this!”

I’ve been wanting to launch a brand for a few years now but just never found the right opportunity and partnership. Little did I know it was right under my nose. Growing up, my brother would design and my mom would sew his own line through eBay. He then moved into opening his own clothing store and I can remember his excitement from picking out clothing he would sell to designing the interior. I always admired his sense of fashion and when we started talking about doing a clothing brand together, it just all sort of fell into place. We knew we could do this on our own because we were each other’s missing links. The name took the longest and I owe full credit to him for that! When we landed on “VISUS” as the name, we knew we needed to finally get started. It’s just so amazing because we have such a good creative flow together and are honest with each other at all times.

You’re also working to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Can you tell us about that?

My brother and I have been working first hand with the IMC in Jordan. We’ve witnessed their relentless efforts in providing care and support to those in need. A portion of the proceeds from our sales go to the IMC and each order comes with a complimentary face mask.

Inanna Sarkis VISUS

What message do you hope to share with the world through VISUS? 

I hope to share the message of never giving up on yourself. I’ve gone through so many hard times chasing my dreams, but I always stayed true to my vision. Even if no one else may understand it at first. Work hard, set goals, deadlines, vision boards, whatever it takes and one day that hard work will meet an opportunity which will change your life.

What is your favorite VISUS product?

Right now, we have only launched the first drop. So currently my favorite is the rose or mint crew neck but I cannot wait to share the next drop that is currently in production, it’s one I’m definitely excited about!

Where can we buy VISUS products?

You can buy them exclusively on

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