Anyone who watched Brad Pitt on Bill Maher’s show Friday learned some unexpected news: Brad smokes dope. Or used to.
Apparently this somewhat inarticulate hunk (Who cares how he talks? … Just sit there and look pretty!) has a party past that includes being the perfect joint-rolling machine. As Bill Maher teased him about “being on the floor” at some A-list party, Brad (we’re on first name basis, at least on my end) was not just known for his Greek-god looks and acting chops, but his pot-rolling prowess.
So why is this news? When Jon Stewart and others in the fake news genre mention the “dangerous drug” on television, audiences roar and clap with approval. And it’s all in good fun, America.
With a serious message behind it.
Because it’s time the regulatory commission wakes up and smells the Mary Jane. Not only is it deemed permissible (in certain states) for chronic illness and pain, it is apparently the go-to party favor. Who knew? And apparently audience members of “news” shows aren’t Shocked! Shocked! by their fave celebs’ choice of relaxation or medical needs.
I’m not saying folks should or shouldn’t partake. But if it’s a known pain-killer for those in chronic distress, what’s the big deal?
Remember the Roaring ’20s? Me, neither. But cocaine was legal in that way-back machine. Just ask a musician from those days, (if they can remember). Maybe that wasn’t such a great idea, but medicinal MJ (not Michael Jackson) is here, folks, get used to it. What is problem?
When are impoverished state budget dictators and federal regulators going to wake up and tax this age-old herb? Isn’t this a no-brainer?
Feds: Don’t punish the growers and partakers, do what you do best: tax and spend on this cash cow that keeps on giving. Think of the infrastructure that can be shored up, schools improved and quality of life issues benefited by state-wide legalization.
I don’t condone or judge the hoi polloi or Hollywood candy unafraid to “out” themselves. But isn’t it time to legalize a natural medication that does, in fact, ease the pain of cancer patients, MS sufferers and even presidents, whether they inhaled or not?
Maybe Montel Williams (a MS patient and cannabis supporter), Brad and other stratosphere stars could release a song, “We are the Weed.” And spend the proceeds on lobbying Congress and help out New Orleans at the same time.
And Brad would most likely be elected mayor of one of his “home bases” in what’s left of N’awlins.
I don’t care if they can’t carry a tune, it would put the glee back in this grassy-eyed glee club. And fans, too.