Ice Cube is ready to settle the L.A. Dodgers TV carriage dispute the old-fashioned way.
“I’m about to kick somebody’s ass,” Cube said on “Conan” Wednesday. “It’s DirecTV and Time-Warner Cable… Y’all business men. Do business!”
“You guys are haggling over a couple dollars here and there,” Cube said. “You’re going to lose a whole generation of fans.”
The dispute stems from the Time-Warner agreement granting the cable provider the rights to Dodgers TV coverage for 25 years beginning in 2014. However, Time-Warner’s deal would require DirecTV to add SportsNet LA, the Dodgers-owned sports network, to their coverage at a raised cost to consumers.
The rapper is not the only one upset about the ongoing dispute. FCC chairman Tom Wheeler sent a strongly-worded letter to Time-Warner in July 2014 in an attempt to bring the Dodgers back to L.A TV screens.
“Inaction is no longer acceptable. I strongly urge you to end the impasses that are depriving Los Angeles consumers from being able to watch their home baseball team,” Wheeler’s letter said.