HUSSLUP Launches Desktop App Aimed at Improved Creative Professional Networking

Available to WrapPRO members

ProSearch and Serendipity Mode aim to make connecting easier and more productive

HUSSLUP entertainment networking app (HUSSLUP, Getty Images)

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HUSSLUP launched its desktop app on Monday, ushering in a new era for the burgeoning networking platform aiming to be the LinkedIn of Hollywood.

Accompanying the desktop app’s launch are two major HUSSLUP features, ProSearch and Serendipity Mode. ProSearch is designed to help networking aficionados efficiently dig through talent pools via specific criteria, and said searches can be shared after the fact with other HUSSLUP members for easier trawling. It allows filter searches that include skills and credit level, professional affiliations, and availability. ProSearch also bills itself as a way to “track diversity to ensure an inclusive pipeline.”

“HUSSLUP has created what I consider to be the first true community experience for creatives like writers, directors and crew to share info and collaborate,” actress and writer-producer Iliza Shlesinger, who serves as a celebrity ambassador for the company, said in a statement.

She continued, “This new desktop app takes it a step further, allowing for companies and producers to search this community and hire the talented people they need for their projects. No more phone calls begging someone you know for recommendations and maybe it’s a step toward less hate keeping. Now we can find qualified, diverse professionals quickly and efficiently, and we can save all of our rage for the 405 on a Friday.”

The company says the new Serendipity Mode will provide a fresh approach to professional networking. In the novel mode, users will be able to swipe through company and member cards to make new connections and build networks. The catch is, cards will randomly surface, enabling users to meet members and companies they otherwise may not naturally cross paths with online. Traditional AI-optimized, targeted recommendations will also be present, but Serendipity Mode offers an alternative for members eager to meet fresh faces and try out a less biased search strategy.

“Following a deep dive on our user interface and a lot of feedback from our members, we have redesigned the web-based app to make it even easier to use,” HUSSLUP founder and CEO H Schuster said in a statement. “With ProSearch, our production partners can now search for talent with criteria including credit level, genre and project types, availability, locations where members can work, professional affiliations, representation, additional skills and many other categories. They can search for diverse talent, save members to a short list, message candidates and mark them as hired. Additionally, ProSearches can be annotated and shared with other HUSSLUP members.”

The platform, which launched in a mobile-first capacity in 2022, has thus far enjoyed over 6,000 member signups during its invite-only beta. HUSSLUP notes that over 48,000 searches and 29,000 connections have been made via the platform to date.

Backed by Techstars Comcast NBCUniversal LIFT Labs, HUSSLUP’s production partners include Telemundo, NBC Universal, the Russo Brothers’ AGBO Films and Blumhouse, to name a few.

The platform is open to all types of creative professionals, whether they’re above or below the line. HUSSLUP notes that roughly 75% of its members are at least mid-career level, and include writers, directors, composers, editors, executive producers, assistants, camera crew members, and more.

You can learn more about HUSSLUP at its website and Instagram account.
