The first installment in the “Hunger Games” book series was published in 2008 and followed by the first film adaptation in March 2012. Over a decade later, the franchise has been revived with the prequel film “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,” and all the original fans of the series are grown up—including actress Hunter Schafer, who stars as Tigris in the latest film, and who was “obsessed” with the original series.
While speaking with Jimmy Fallon Friday night, Schafer revealed that her “Hunger Games” fandom ran deep and that as a child, she even dressed as someone from the Capitol for Halloween one year — complete with her own self-designed costume.
Fallon told Schafer that it’s “cool” to be back in the studio speaking to actors about movies because “you’ve been a fan of ‘The Hunger Games’ since you were a kid.”
“Oh, well, I mean, for Halloween, I was obsessed with how the Capitol people were in costumes, and I made my own costume once,” Shafer said.
Fallon shared a photo of the impressive costume and said, “This is unbeli—this is really cool. Now you’re in ‘Hunger Games.’”
“I know!” Shafer replied. “As a Capitol person!”
As the cousin of Coriolanus Snow, Schafer’s Tigris is one of the people closest to the man who will come to ruthlessly rule Panem. In “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,” the pair are friends and compatriots, having survived the rebel uprising years prior.
The book alludes to Tigris working as one of the earliest stylists in the Hunger Games, having helped Lucy Gray with both her dress and her makeup. Over time, the relationship between Snow and Tigiris deteriorated, especially due to the latter’s dislike of the Games themselves.