HuffPost Contributor Accuses NBC News Managing Editor of ‘Unethical’ Call About DNC Debates

Yashar Ali says NBC/MSNBC’s Dafna Linzer called to bully him to nix a scoop “on behalf of the DNC”

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Yashar Ali, a prominent freelance journalist for New York Magazine and HuffPost, accused a senior NBC news editor of advocating for the Democratic National Committee by trying to delay Ali’s scoop about when and where the party’s first 2020 presidential primary debates will be held.

“Yesterday, I received a call from [Dafna Linzer] who serves as managing editor of NBC/MSNBC politics. Dafna’s conduct during the call was highly inappropriate and unethical. So what was the purpose of her call? She called me to bully me on behalf of the DNC,” Ali said in a tweet Friday.

Representatives for the Democratic National Committee and Linzer at NBC and MSNBC did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
