“Back to Black” is the upcoming biopic about the life of singer and superstar Amy Winehouse seen through her eyes as she navigated a relationship that led to the album of the same name. The film is directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson and stars Marisa Abela as Winehouse.
Here’s everything you need to know about the new movie, how to watch “Back to Black” right now and where to expect it on streaming.
When Does ‘Back To Black’ Come Out?
“Back to Black” hits theaters everywhere Friday, May 17th.
“Back to Black” Showtimes And Tickets
Is “Back To Black” Streaming?
Right now, no. “Back to Black” is exclusively available in theaters for its debut. It will be available for streaming at a later date.
Who Stars In “Back To Black?”
The film stars Marisa Abela as Amy Winehouse alongside Jack O’Connell, Eddie Marsan, Lesley Manville, Juliet Cowan, and Sam Buchanan.
What Is “Back To Black” About?
“Back To Black” is a biopic detailing the life of singer Amy Winehouse through the creation of her titular album. Per the official logline of the film:
“Told from Amy’s perspective, the film is an unapologetic look at the woman behind the phenomenon and the relationship that inspired one of the most legendary albums of all time.”