Hot Tweeters

Some of the top tweeters are news organizations.


Here’s the top 10 tweeters and their followers as compiled by, whose “twittastic” robots scan the Twitter public timeline to pinpoint Twitter usage:



1.   CNN Breaking News (cnnbrk)   414,684

2.   Barack Obama (BarackObama)  385,667

3.   Twitter (twitter) 338,883

4.   Britney Spears  (britneyspears) 315,523


5.   Stephen Fry (stephenfry) 272,879

6.   Ashton Kutcher (aplusk) 270,361










7.   The New York Times (nytimes)  268,733


8.   Al Gore (algore)  262,223

9.   Shaq O’Neal (THE_REAL_SHAQ) 252,132

10. Lance Armstrong (lancearmstrong) 252,021

