“Homeland” will be radically different next season, and Showtime entertainment president David Nevins says he expects it to feature Claire Danes‘ character “on the ground in a foreign capital, doing her job.”
After the (don’t read this if you haven’t seen the Season 3 finale) death of Nicholas Brody last season, the show will reset with Danes’ Carrie Mathison doing the field work we started to see her do in Season 1. Though Saul (Mandy Patinkin) left the CIA last season, Nevins says he isn’t done with the show.
Also read: ‘Homeland’ Season Finale: Very Brave, Very Bizarre (Spoiler Alert)
“He’ll be central. He’ll be important,” Nevins said.
Showtime is reshuffling the direction of a series as few ever have, and asking the audience to reconsider what they once considered the show to be about.
Also read: ‘Homeland’ Finale Delivers Series High in Ratings
The dynamic between Mathison and Brody has been the core of “Homeland” so far — but Nevins recast it Thursday as a three-season arc. He said he didn’t know if Mathison’s next arc would last one season or longer.
He said the show’s writers are meeting now with CIA agents to generate ideas.
“They’re being set up on the top floor of a CIA club,” Nevins said. “We’ll see what comes back in a month.”