TMZ’s Levin: I Was the Jew Whose Blood Mel Wanted on His Hands

But the TMZ executive editor insists Grigorieva’s account is wrong

It’s the question everyone in Hollywood wants to know.

On Friday, in yet another Mel Gibson “exclusive,” Radar reported that Gibson ex Oksana Grigorieva told authorities investigating domestic abuse charges against the actor that he told her he wanted “Jew blood on his hands” after he was “publicly humiliated” by an unidentified Hollywood figure.

According to a Radar source, Gibson reportedly told Grigorieva “he wanted the person taken to the desert, stripped naked, knee capped and left in the heat.”

TMZ executive editor Harvey Levin says he is the Jew in question but that the story is way off.

According to TMZ, Grigorieva’s rep Steve Jaffe told Levin earlier in the week about Gibson’s alleged plot to kill him, but determined it to be false.

Jaffe told Levin that Gibson was furious that TMZ made his anti-Semitic, post-DUI arrest rant public. Gibson, according to Levin’s account of Jaffe’s story, had Levin followed to the gym at 4 a.m.

Via TMZ:

For starters, Oksana had the wrong gym.  More telling … Oksana never mentioned a word of this to any of her lawyers while she tried negotiating a $15 million package in May during the mediation, using the tapes as her secret weapon.  One person involved in the mediation laughed, saying Oksana brought out every piece of ammunition imaginable to score a financial package, so why was this story mysteriously absent?

Levin also points out that the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department never contacted him, despite Grigorieva’s claim that she told authorities about Gibson’s supposed desert-knee-capping-stripped-Jew plot.

And a spokesperson for the department says Grigorieva never did.
