Hollywood Fails to Make Progress in Hiring Women and Minority TV Directors

If not for Tyler Perry, minority male directors would have made no progress at all last TV season, Directors Guild of America study finds

Tyler Perry
Getty Images

There haven’t been many strides made in diversifying the directors’ pool in episodic television, according to the Directors Guild of America.

A new study released by the guild Wednesday found that the vast majority of episodic TV directors are white and male.

Also read: ‘The Flash’ and ‘Jane the Virgin’ Lead The CW’s Push for Diversity This Fall

Analyzing more than 3,500 episodes produced in the 2013-2014 network television season and the 2013 cable season, the guild found that white males directed 69 percent of all episodes, while minority males directed 17 percent. White women directed 12 percent of all episodes, while minority females directed just 2 percent.
