During an appearance on Fox News on Tuesday night, Herschel Walker misspoke in an amusing way that ended up feeling extremely appropriate for his campaign, in light of the numerous lies about his sex life that he’s told.
Walker was appearing, as he frequently does lately, alongside two currently serving GOP senators, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, who are stumping for him during his campaign in the Georgia U.S. Senate election runoff election. Walker’s opponent is of course Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock, who if he wins will help Democrats secure control of all Senate committees alongside enlarging the Democrats’ majority. Early voting begins this weekend.
And at one point, he intended to say “this election is for the people.” But, if we had to speculate without any evidence, perhaps he had some of his many recent scandals in the back of his mind. Because what he said was: “This erection is for the people.” You can watch that above now (via the always great ACYN on Twitter). Also, ew.
Speaking of erections for the people, Walker’s campaign has been defined by rampant lying about his sex life and family. For instance, he lied about the number of children he has — turns out he had a whole bunch of secret kids with whom he barely had contact. Also, he claims to be ardently anti-abortion but it turns out he’s paid for at least one, and wanted to pay for several others. And that’s not even getting into his lies about being in law enforcement (he wasn’t), among other things.
Maybe Walker didn’t misspeak after all — sure sounds like he spent considerable time acting as if, uh, you know, was about the people. We kid, we kid, but seriously, he really has lied, a lot.