"Heleno," a biopic about Brazilian soccer star Heleno de Freitas, will be released in North America this summer by Screen Media Films, the company said Wednesday.
The movie stars Rodrigo Santoro ("What to Expect When You're Expecting," "300") as the legendary athlete. Jose Henrique Fonseca directed the movie, which Felipe Braganca, Fernando Castets and Jose Henrique Fonseca wrote. Rodrigo Teixeira produced through his RT Features with Eduardo Pop.
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Screen Media acquired the movie at the Miami International Film Festival.
"We are thrilled to bring such an exquisite film as 'Heleno' starring one of today's hottest rising stars in Rodrigo Santoro to the American public," Suzanne Blech, Screen Media's president, said in a statement.
The Miami International Film Festival runs fthrough Sunday, March 11.
ICM brokered the deal for rights and represents Santoro.