Hear Ron Howard Narrate ‘Star Wars’ With His ‘Arrested Development’ Voice (Video)

Soundbites from sitcom give the trilogy a much lighter tone

It’s been a little over a month since Ron Howard took over directing the standalone Han Solo film and we’re still 10 months out, but we’ve now been treated to Howard narrating the “Star Wars” trilogy with his “Arrested Development” voice.

Nerdist created the hilarious spoof video, titled “Arrested Rebellion,” that starts with footage from “A New Hope,” with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca all making an appearance. The narration continues with, “Luke was getting along with his sister,” while footage of Luke and Princess Leia kissing plays — obviously before the knew they were siblings.

According to Entertainment Weekly, most of the soundbites are taken directly from Howard’s narration in “Arrested Development.”

The video concludes with Luke and Leia reuniting, and the parody also pokes fun at “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” as “on the next season of Arrested Rebellion.”

Howard stepped in to direct Disney’s untitled Han Solo movie last month, just two days after Phil Lord and Chris Miller were let go from the “Star Wars” spinoff. The directors had been at the wheel of the film, starring Alden Ehrenreich in the role that Harrison Ford made famous, for nearly two years. Physical production commenced in late January in the U.K., and the men completed nearly 17 weeks of shooting through May.

The film is still set for a May 2018 release. It will star Alden Ehrenrich, Donald Glover, Emilia Clarke, Thandie Newton, Woody Harrelson and Michael Kenneth Williams.

Watch the video above.
