HBO’s ‘Tilda’ Pilot Script is Partially Leaked, Totally Dull

Nikki Finke-inspired show won’t make it to air, but some dialog makes its way to the Web

HBO's Nikki Finke-inspired pilot "Tilda" was scrapped by the network earlier this year, but the Atlantic got ahold of part of the script, publishing it late last week.

Below, a scene from the first draft — written by Bill Condon ("Dreamgirls") and Cynthia Mort ("Tell Me You Love Me") — in which the Finke character (played by Diane Keaton) is on the phone with a fictional L.A. Times reporter ("Brian Sheen") who is interviewing her for a profile.

Finke gave the show her blessing, but says she had no involvement in the script itself.

You can kind of see why HBO killed it.

