HBO Max will debut an animated special based on the children’s classic “The Runaway Bunny,” which will feature music from Mariah Carey, Kelly Rowland and Ziggy Marley.
‘The Runaway Bunny’ brings the illustrations of Clement Hurd and the poetry of Margaret Wise Brown to animated life for the first time. Featuring a restless little bunny who dreams of leaving home, the film is an exploration of love and childhood. Woven throughout the story are songs that accompany the bunny on his imaginary, magical adventures into the world and back home to the comfort of his mother’s love.
Tracee Ellis Ross will narrate the animated special, which premieres March 25. In addition to Carey, Rowland and Marley, the special also features music by Rosanne Cash, Ziggy Marley, Kimya Dawson, Rufus Wainwright and Michael Kiwanuka.
You can watch a trailer, featuring Carey’s hit “Always Be My Baby,” in the player above.
Originally published in 1942 by HarperCollins Publishers, the book has sold over 12 million copies.
“‘The Runaway Bunny’ is a timeless classic about youthful independence and the strength of a mother’s love,” said Billy Wee, SVP, Original Animation, HBO Max. “Amy Schatz has lovingly brought this story to vivid life with an incredible group of collaborators.”
Here are the songs that will be featured:
- Mariah Carey’s “Always Be My Baby”
- Kelly Rowland – Bob Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love”
- Rosanne Cash – “You Are My Sunshine”
- Ziggy Marley – “What a Wonderful World”
- Rufus Wainwright – Billy Joel’s “Lullabye, Goodnight My Angel”
- Kimya Dawson – “You Are My Baby”
- Michael Kiwanuka – “Home Again”
- Tracee Ellis Ross performs “Song of the Runaway Bunny,” the never-before-released song written by Margaret Wise Brown based on a Provençal love ballad which inspired Brown to write this book.
“The Runaway Bunny” is produced and directed by Amy Schatz