‘Haunted Salem: Live’ Goes Ghost Hunting and Will Tap Into Town’s ‘Funky Energy’

Interactive event encourages audience to watch live to help with the hunting

Haunted Salem Live Travel Channel
Travel Channel

There’s nothing like hunting for the dead on a show that is live — and that takes us to one of the country’s most legendary spooky cities — Salem, Massachusetts — on the Travel Channel’s “Haunted Salem: Live,” a four-hour paranormal lover’s dream stakeout on Oct. 4.

Led by a team of the network’s biggest paranormal experts — Katrina Weidman and Jack Osbourne (“Portals to Hell”), Amy Bruni, Adam Berry and Chip Coffey (“Kindred Spirits”), Dalen Spratt, Juwan Mass and Marcus Harvey (“Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests”), Dave Schrader and Cindy Kaza (“The Holzer Files”) — the immersive event will investigate the ghostly activity at three historic locations tied to the infamous Salem Witch trials.
