If you've ever had a pitch turned down by Harvey Weinstein, you're now in some fine company. The Weinstein Co. chief disclosed that President Obama recently sent him a film idea — which he passed on.
“The President sent me a book the other day and said ‘Why don’t you make this into a movie?’" Weinstein said. "I can’t tell you [what it was]. It was a spy novel.”
Also read: Harvey Weinstein to Receive Legion de Honneur
But Weinstein demurred.
“I sent him an email back saying he was the most overqualified book scout I’ve ever had,” he told the Times of London.
Weinstein is a deep-pocketed supporter of President Obama and the Democratic Party, and recently co-hosted fundraising events for the president in New York and Los Angeles.
The Weinstein Co. said it had no comment on the pitch.
Also read: Harvey Weinstein Lashes Out at French Politician Over 'Intouchables' Comments
As if getting a movie pitch from President Obama wasn't enough, Harvey Weinstein on Wednesday was made a member of the French Legion of Honor.
In ceremony held in Paris, French President Nicolas Sarkozy honored the 59-year-old producer of “The Artist” for his contribution to cinema by making him a member of the French Legion of Honor.
“I am honored and humbled by this recognition from President Sarkozy and the people of France. All my life, I have loved and been inspired by French cinema, and as a studio head it has been my pride and joy to have the ability to bring movies to audiences around the world,” Weinstein said in a statement before the ceremony.
“I am still the young boy who walked to the cinema in Flushing, New York to see films by the greats — Lelouch, Godard, Renoir and my personal favorite, François Truffaut. They inspired me and led me to the place I am in today. I hope to continue my friendship with France and its filmmakers for many years to come.”