While appearing on “Conan” Wednesday night to promote his upcoming Comedy Central series “Why? With Hannibal Buress,” the comedian explained some of the show’s promotional strategy, which included a low-budget commercial for Discovery Channel’s Shark Week.
“We’re really whores, man,” Buress told host Conan O’Brien. “So we just did some Shark Week promos. You gotta get the Shark Week audience. They’re very passionate.”
The comedian shared a clip of him dressed in a cheap shark costume talking about what a dream come true it is to be on Shark Week, and wondering aloud whether sharks prioritize food or sex.
In response to O’Brien pointing out that Buress’ shark costume wasn’t a very good one, the comedian responded that it was a deliberate choice to make him more relatable to the average person.
“I don’t want to have a fancy shark costume, because I want people to be able to relate to me,” he explained. “It’s like millionaires who drive Priuses. Because that’s a garbage car.”