Rock band and three-time Grammy Award nominees Haim will write the original music for a new animated feature for Netflix called ‘The Witch Boy.”
Minkyu Lee, who is Oscar-nominated for his animated short “Adam and Dog,” will direct “The Witch Boy” based on the best-selling graphic novel series of the same name by Molly Knox Ostertag.
“The Witch Boy” is set in a secret, magical community where girls are born to be witches and boys grow into shapeshifters. But one boy, Aster, is surprised to discover his emerging and extraordinary witch powers. When a mysterious danger threatens his world, Aster must embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind himself, his powers and everything that is magical.
Maria Melnik wrote the screenplay. Vertigo Entertainment is producing the film, along with Roy Lee, Miri Yoon and Ryan Harris.
“It has been a lifelong dream of mine to create an animated film that pushes the medium forward, both in content and form. The connection between this dream, my experiences and Aster and Juniper’s story is what draws me to this film every day. I am grateful to be creating this with the wonderful team at Netflix. My hope is that this film, by celebrating queerness and ‘otherness,’ will come to audiences around the world as something truly special,” Minkyu Lee said in a statement.
Haim is made up of sisters Danielle, Alana and Este Haim. Though the trio’s songs have appeared on various movie and TV soundtracks, “The Witch Boy” marks the first time Haim will create original music for a feature film. They’ve previously acted in The Lonely Island’s “The Bash Brothers” and an episode of “Documentary Now,” and Alana Haim is rumored to appear in Paul Thomas Anderson’s next movie.
Haim’s 2020 album “Women in Music Pt. III” was nominated for Album of the Year for the upcoming Grammys, and their single “The Steps” was nominated for Best Rock Performance.
In addition to his short “Adam and Dog,” Lee worked on Netflix’s “Over the Moon” and has also been an animator or visual effects artist on the Oscar-winning “Dear Basketball,” “Frozen,” “Wreck-It Ralph” and “Big Hero 6.”