Grammar: Impossible: Poor Punctuation Haunts Cruise’s Next ‘M:I’ Title

Soon to shoot in Dubai, ‘Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol’ violates the king’s English

Grammarians should snap their red pencils when they see the title of Tom Cruise's next "Mission: Impossible" flick, but then Paramount isn't rebooting its moneymaker for a better English grade.

Revealed Thursday by Cruise himself, the title "Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol" has no clear separation between the "M:I" part of the title, and the tacked-on "Ghost Protocol."

As a result, it could be read as "Mission:" followed by the complete phrase "Impossible Ghost Protocol."

So do they encounter an impossible ghost? And when they do, do they have to follow protocol? Or is it impossible to follow "ghost protocol"?

We could go on.

It'll hardly matter next December, when the blue-chip blockbuster franchise starts printing money for Paramount.

Cruise was in Dubai — much of the shooting is taking place at the now-world's tallest tower, the Burj Khalifa (below, right) — with co-stars Jeremy Renner and Paula Patton. Producer Bryan Burk and director Brad Bird were also in attendance, though the group revealed precious little about the plot of the forthcoming film.“We love the fact that it’s a big, new city, that it hasn’t been photographed very much … It’s almost like sets that you could never afford," Bird said of Dubai (quote via, which will be front-and-center for "M:I — GP."

Maybe with all the money they save, they can hire a copy editor to help with the title of "M:I:5."
