Google Nixes Traditional April Fool’s Day Pranks ‘Out of Respect’ for Coronavirus Patients

“Let’s save the jokes for next April, which will undoubtedly be a whole lot brighter than this one,” a Google internal memo reads

april fools day google

Google is holding off on its traditional annual April Fool’s Day jokes until next year “out of respect for all those fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Many will be restraining themselves this April Fool’s Day from the usual pranks, jokes and mischievous behavior because of the solemn state of the planet due to the spreading coronavirus… and Google is leading the charge.

Google will “take the year off from that tradition out of respect for all those fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. Our highest goal right now is to be helpful to people, so let’s save the jokes for next April, which will undoubtedly be a whole lot brighter than this one,” according to an internal email from Google’s head of marketing Lorraine Twohill obtained by Business Insider.

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