Vegans of the world, unite, and celebrate the new egg-free salad emoji from Google.
The tech giant is set to launch a “more inclusive” salad icon, according to Google engineer Jennifer Daniel, who tweeted out a look at the new emoji on Wednesday. The eggless salad — making the emoji “a more inclusive vegan salad,” Daniel says — is one of more than 100 new and updated emojis available on the latest Android P beta.
“There’s big talk about inclusion and diversity at Google so if you need any evidence of Google is making this priority may I direct your attention to the [salad] emoji,” tweeted Daniel. ‘We’ve removed the egg in Android P beta 2, making this a more inclusive vegan salad.”
There's big talk about inclusion and diversity at Google so if you need any evidence of Google is making this priority may I direct your attention to the 🥗 emoji— we've removed the egg in Android P beta 2, making this a more inclusive vegan salad.
— jennifer daniel (@jenniferdaniel) June 6, 2018
The move towards a more sensitive batch of emojis might catch cynical eagle-eyed Google watchers by surprise; just last month, the company removed its famed “don’t be evil” mantra from its code of conduct policy.
Keeping with the more upbeat emoji theme, Droid’s updated goat icon won’t look “so angry.” The turtle emoji takes on a friendlier facial expression, too, according to Daniel’s sneak peeks.
We're slowly giving some our emojis more love. Our goat is no longer so angry. The turtle really needed a hug. And we gave the Grinning Face With One Large and One Small Eye some anti-anxiety meds.
— jennifer daniel (@jenniferdaniel) June 6, 2018
Google and Daniel have not responded to TheWrap’s request for comment on the company’s move towards “more inclusive” emojis.
The new, genteel Google didn’t sit well with several twitter users, though, including prominent conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.
“This is how you got Trump,” tweeted Shapiro, while sharing Daniel’s tweet.
This is how you got Trump
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 6, 2018
.@Google doing big things in the #diversity and #inclusion arena! I direct your attention to the 🥗 emoji— they've removed the egg in Android P beta 2, making this a more inclusive vegan salad! 👏👏👏😑 cc: @itskendallyoder
— Garrett Ruiz (@GarrettRuiz18) June 6, 2018
Why our civilization may not survive.
— Christina Hoff Sommers (@CHSommers) June 6, 2018
If this sounds familiar, that’s because Google isn’t the first company to soften its emojis this year. Following the Parkland school shooting in February, Twitter replaced its pistol emoji with a harmless water gun icon.