Golden Globes Org’s Board Responds to 2022 Cancellation With Updated Timeline for Reforms

“Regardless of the next air date of the Golden Globes, implementing transformational changes as quickly — and as thoughtfully — as possible remains the top priority,” the board says


The Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced a full timetable through this summer for implementing promised reform initiatives in response to news that NBC will not air the 2022 Golden Globes.

“Regardless of the next air date of the Golden Globes, implementing transformational changes as quickly — and as thoughtfully — as possible remains the top priority,” the board said. “We invite our partners in the industry to the table to work with us on the systemic reform that is long overdue, both in our organization as well as within the industry at large.”

The timetable outlines the process through which the HFPA plans to elect new members in response to criticism of the organization’s lack of diversity, including no Black members. The group has pledged to add at least 20 new members by the first week of August, as well as elect a new board and install new chief executives.

Through the end of May, the HFPA plans to create and publish a new code of conduct in cooperation with publicists and studios, as well as establish a hotline for violations of that code. An oversight board consisting of outside professionals will be formed to monitor reform plans while a search will begin for a new HR officer and other executives to lead the HFPA.

The organization will also develop new bylaws that will be voted on by membership in early July, as well as new policies on “Gifts, Travel, Conflicts of Interest, and Press Conferences.” Existing HFPA members will also have their accreditation requirements reviewed to make sure they adhere to the new criteria being used to admit new members.

The timetable was released days after Netflix, Amazon, and WarnerMedia announced they would indefinitely suspend involvement with the HFPA until sufficient change in the organization’s membership demographics and operating protocols are seen. On Friday, a group representing over 100 PR firms also announced that it would continue its boycott of the HFPA “unless and until these issues are illuminated in detail with a firm commitment to a timeline that respects the looming 2022 season reality.”

“We stand ready to collaborate with the HFPA to ensure that the next Golden Globes — be it in 2022 or 2023 — represents the values of our creative community,” the group added.

On Monday, NBC announced that it would not air the 2022 Golden Globes out of belief that the organization needs more time to implement tangible change, but left open the possibility of resuming airing of the ceremony in 2023.

“We continue to believe that the HFPA is committed to meaningful reform. However, change of this magnitude takes time and work, and we feel strongly that the HFPA needs time to do it right,” the network said. “Assuming the organization executes on its plan, we are hopeful we will be in a position to air the show in January 2023.”

Time’s Up called the turn of events “a defining moment for Hollywood” in a statement on Monday.

“Today, we have the opportunity to recognize that, by speaking up against one powerful but deeply flawed awards system, we can begin to reimagine a more equitable industry,” said Tina Tchen, president and CEO of Time’s Up Foundation. 

“It took the collective voices of individual actors, creators, and a united front of over 100 publicists — along with the powerful moral leadership of companies like Netflix, Amazon, and WarnerMedia — to make this happen. Together, we demanded an awards ceremony that is fully inclusive, transparent, and respectful. Courage and leadership made a difference.”
