Jimmy Kimmel turned “Godzilla” into his most absurd “Lie Witness News” question yet, and in no surprise, he found entirely too many people willing to talk about.
“Considering ‘Godzilla’ is based on the true story of a giant lizard attack on Tokyo that killed more than 100,000 people in 1954, do you think it is wrong of Hollywood to glamorize this event for entertainment purposes?” Kimmel’s crew asked strangers (above) in Hollywood on Monday.
See photos: ‘Godzilla’: 6 More Giants Heading to the Big Screen
“Yes, because it’s a travesty,” one woman said. “Maybe what really happened isn’t properly portrayed, and it could probably disrespect some folks out there.”
One man said he believed the giant movie monster was created by global warming, while another woman supported an imaginary bill allocating $600 million to equip the U.S. Navy with anti-reptile capabilities.
See video: Jimmy Kimmel Reminds Viewers Just How Sensitive Los Angeles Reporters Are To ‘Cold’ Weather
“Anything we can do to protect our nation, we gotta do,” she said.
Let’s start with funneling more money into education.