“Godzilla 2,” the sequel to Gareth Edwards‘ monster hit “Godzilla” has been set for a June 8, 2018 release date, Warner Bros and Legendary announced on Thursday.
Edwards’ “Godzilla” came out in May and grossed $491.3 million at the box office. It starred Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen and Bryan Cranston as well as the classic Japanese movie reptile, who was tasked with saving the world from two other monsters.
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At Comic Con over the summer, Legendary CEO Thomas Tull told the Hall H crowd that the sequel will see Godzilla battle more classic foes like Mothra, Rodin and Ghidorah.
Edwards is seguing to the “Godzilla” sequel after completing work on an untitled “Star Wars” spinoff film, which is set to be released in December 2016.
Also read: Gareth Edwards To Make ‘Godzilla’ Sequel With Several New Monsters
“First I genuinely need a break from all pressure of doing a major franchise with all fanboy opinions that go with that,” the director joked in a video message to Comic Con fans. “We’re up here doing a small little sci-fi movie.”