Glen Powell visited Jimmy Fallon on Friday night to promote his Netflix film “Hit Man”— and to chat about his surprise cameo alongside “Anyone But You” costar Sydney Sweeney when she hosted “Saturday Night Live” last month. While the pair planned his initial appearance in Sweeney’s monologue, Powell said that his “pretty epic” sketch cameo wasn’t part of the original plan.
“I knew I was going to do the monologue, so Sydney and I kind of planned this little bit … the sketch was told to me by Lorne,” Powell said. “We’re sitting there having a cocktail below the bleachers, I’m thinking we’re kind of done, and then he’s like, ‘I have this idea, maybe you’re in the next sketch.’”
“And I’m like, ‘Wait, what do you mean?’ And he’s like, ‘You know, we’ll figure out a way to kind of end this sketch,’ and he just… 15 minutes before, I’m like, ‘Do I have a line? What am I doing?”
“It’s the pace of it that was very exciting,” Powell added. “And, look, I don’t know if I nailed it, but hopefully I’m invited back at some point.”
The sketch in question was the final one of the night. Sweeney played a woman on a date who is attempting to break up with her boyfriend, only to be interrupted by people at the restaurant over and over again. After she is finally able to blurt out, “I cheated on you with my boss and I think we should break up,” Powell showed up as the boss in question.
“Hey baby cakes,” he addressed Sweeney. “Wanna get out of here?”
Watch the interview with Glen Powell and Jimmy Fallon in the video above.