‘Ghostbusters’ Director Paul Feig Unloads on Film’s Online Haters: ‘Go F-ck Yourself’

Filmmaker responds to Twitter users pre-critical of the Sony reboot starring Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones

Online bashers of the ‘Ghostbusters’ reboot finally got to director Paul Feig on Wednesday night.

After fielding what, according to Feig, has been months of “misogyny and insults” aimed at him and his cast from armchair critics of the movie, the director behind such films as “The Heat” and “Bridesmaids” finally told them, “goodnight.” Oh, right after telling them, “Go fuck yourself.”

The most recent spate of mean tweets began when one user posted that Feig “threatens to pointlessly gender-swap everyone,” to which the director responded, “God, you’re tiresome, dude.”

It only got worse from there.

Showing signs of exasperation with speculative haters critical of the film’s undisclosed plot, Feig told another Twitter user, “You all have no idea what we did, so stop acting like you do. Enough is enough. Just let this movie happen.”

That tweet then touched off a fiery debate among users that forced Feig to step to the defense of cast member Melissa McCarthy, who became the particular object of one user’s scorn.

“Being a comedian would require being funny. Which she isn’t. She’s just a human fat joke,” @ChrisCard42 said.

“You’re an ass. Oops, did I say that?” Feig responded. Starting to feel himself, the “Spy” director let it fly.

“And since I’m on a roll, you, sir, are the biggest ass of them all. Seriously. You shit on all your former heroes,” he posted to the attention of another Twitter user who suggested Feig didn’t really want to take on the film in the first place.

Finally, Feig opened the bomb bay door.

“You’ve been ranting at me and my cast for months with misogyny and insults,” he told his last Twitter user of the evening. “So go fuck yourself. Goodnight. #enough”

Sony announced in 2014 that it would reboot the long-dormant film franchise with director Paul Feig and a female cast.

The studio subsequently revealed that Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones would play the four leads. The film recently wrapped production.

Sony will release “Ghostbusters” on July 22, 2016. The cast also includes Chris Hemsworth, Andy Garcia and Cecily Strong.

Read Feig’s Twitter exchanges below:
