‘Get Me Roger Stone’ Trailer: The Trump Adviser Has a Nixon Tattoo (Video)

“America may be collapsing but Roger Stone is determined to enjoy it,” Fox News correspondent Tucker Carlson says at the end of the trailer

Netflix’s timely new documentary, “Get Me Roger Stone,” got its first trailer on Wednesday complete with memorable quotes and horrible tattoos.

The President Nixon political consultant, longtime adviser to President Donald Trump, and “dirty trickster” is the subject of the documentary, which traces his political career, the effect he had on GOP history, and a President Nixon tattoo that he has at the base of his neck.

“The Nixon tattoo is really the only thing you need to know about Roger,” one person says in voiceover in the trailer.

Stone’s story starts all the way back with President Nixon. where he was an aide and volunteered with the Committee to Re-Elect the President in 1970. He was also the youngest person ever called before the Watergate jury. Since then, he’s consulted on a number of presidential campaigns, including President Reagan’s and, of course, Trump’s.

The documentary doesn’t present the most positive spin on Stone’s life, tracing how he affected modern politics by connecting candidates with SuperPACs. He’s been accused multiple times for placing racy political ads and for threatening the father of  former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer.

“He’s a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent,” Ted Cruz said during the presidential campaign last year. “Well let me be clear, Mr. Trump may be a rat but I have no desire to copulate with him. And this garbage does not belong in politics.”

“He created the modern sleazeball lobbyist,” one person says in the documentary.

One of the focuses of the documentary seems to be how Stone predicted the rise of Trump going back to the 1980s, and helped to lead the billionaire into a presidential campaign.

“America may be collapsing but Roger Stone is determined to enjoy it,” Fox News correspondent Tucker Carlson says at the end of the trailer.

The documentary is set to premiere exclusively on Netflix on May 12.

Watch the trailer above.
