“Good Morning America” co-host George Stephanopoulos went one-on-one with White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders in a heated debate addressing President Trump’s claims of wiretapping against the Obama administration. The “GMA” host didn’t hold back from calling out falsehoods.
Deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that she “doesn’t think” Trump accepts FBI Director James Comey reported denial of the president’s claims about being wiretapped at Trump Tower.
“This is a storyline that has been reported pretty widely by quote a few outlets… the New York Times, BBC, Fox News,” she said before being interrupted by the “GMA” co-host.
“Sarah, I have got to stop you right there. Every single article you just mentioned did not back up the president’s claim that President Obama had him wiretapped. Not a single one of those articles backs it up,” Stephanopoulos said.
Sanders disagreed, causing Stephanopoulos cut her off for a second time.
“That is simply not true,” he said.
Over the weekend, Trump tweeted unsubstantiated claims that Obama had illegally wiretapped Trump Tower before last fall’s election. The White House has called on Congress to “determine whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016.”
Sanders said, “The administration was wiretapping American citizens… his administration could have done this.”
Check out the video above.