Driving his Range Rover into a photo shop has cost singer George Michael his drivers license and he may face jail time, a London judge warned him Tuesday.
Michael pled guilty Tuesday to charges of driving while unfit. Prosecutors said Michael admitted to smoking marijuana and taking a prescription sedative when he was arrested July 4. They described Michael at the time of his arrest as being "spaced out."
"Mr. Michael looked at the officer with his eyes wide open and the officers could see his pupils were dilated," said prosecutor Penny Fergusson, as reported by the Associated Press. "They opened the door and could see he was dripping with sweat."
Judge Robin McPhee banned Michael from driving for six months. Jail time is possible when he is sentenced Sept. 14.
"It is a serious matter. Your driving was extremely poor and there was an accident," McPhee said. "I make it clear all options in respect of sentencing remain open, including powers to imprison."
Michael has faced related problems in the past. In 2007, he admitted in a television interview to being addicted to prescription drugs.