Screen Time Shift: 88% of Gen Z Prefers Smartphone Viewing

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But while smartphones dominate non-premium viewing, connected TVs remain key for SVOD

Woman watching a video on her phone (Getty Images)

In the swiftly evolving world of digital entertainment, the battle for screen time is intensifying. Recent findings from Hub Entertainment Research and the TiVo Video Trends Report provide a clear snapshot of current trends that are reshaping how and where audiences consume video content.

The Dominance of Smartphones Over Connected TVs

Smartphones have edged out connected TVs (CTVs) as the most preferred devices for watching video content. Hub Entertainment Research reveals that smartphones are the top choice for 69% of U.S. viewers watching any video content at least weekly, compared to 68% for connected TVs. This slight lead underscores a significant trend — mobile devices are not just secondary screens; they are often the first point of access to video for many consumers.


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