Late Monday, hours after Gawker blog Gizmodo posted photos of a purported next-generation iPhone it bought from someone who found it in a bar — causing the equivalent of volcanic ash cloud, at least as far as the tech media world is concerned – Apple sent a letter to Gizmodo (on official Apple letterhead!) asking for it back.
And Gawker – which has already gotten an avalanche of traffic and attention out of its scoop — is complying. (In January, after Gawker put out a bounty on photos of the then-rumored Apple tablet, it called off the APB after Apple issued a cease-and-desist.)
Gawker chief Nick Denton confirmed that he did indeed pay $5,000 to get his bloggy hands on the lost device – the kind of checkbook journalism Denton’s said time and time again he’s willing to play.
“We’ll do anything for a story,” Denton said (via Twitter). “Our only obligation is to our readers.”
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