‘Game of Thrones’ New Trailer Delivers Bloodshed, Romance and Suspense (Video)

With "Game of Thrones" gearing up for a second round on April 1, HBO offers a teasing snippet of sword-fighting, sexy times and Peter Dinklage

The second season of HBO's swords-and-dragons epic "Game of Thrones" kicks off on April 1, and the network has been working overtime to pique viewers' interest with advance looks at what to expect.

The latest glimpse, in the form of a new trailer, indicates that the upcoming season will offer much of what "Game of Thrones" fans have come to expect from the series: Sword-fighting galore, a bit of sexy time and the magnificent Peter Dinklage.

One surprising element of the new clip: The action is set to Florence + the Machine's "Seven Devils." Which seems just a tad anachronistic. (On the positive side of things, hey — it could have been Nickelback.)

Check out the latest glimpse of "Game of Thrones" season 2 below:
