Danny Strong has written two successful movies about contemporary American politics, but the “Rebel in the Rye” director said he’d need a beat before tackling the presidency of Donald Trump.
“I’m waiting to see what happens,” Strong said in an interview with TheWrap’s Sharon Waxman. “Every day is so chaotic and so many things happen. Every single day, literally there’s three different things.”
Strong first broke out as a writer in 2008 with HBO’s “Recount,” the Jay Roach-directed film dramatizing the recount of votes cast during the 2000 presidential election. Four years later, Strong and Roach re-teamed for “Game Change,” which tackled the 2008 presidential election and earned Strong two Emmys.
“I wrote ‘Recount’ six years after the Florida recount, and I wrote ‘Game Change’ two years after that election,” Strong said. “So for me, I just need a little bit of perspective to see what this is all about. Because right now, I don’t even know what this is all about. I don’t see how anyone can know what this is all about. We’re so deep in the middle of it.”
But that doesn’t mean that Strong won’t revisit the idea once the Trump era is said and done. Or possibly even sooner than that.
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“Yes, I would like to do something on it, for sure. But what is it? I don’t know,” Strong said, before hedging slightly. “I mean, I kind of know. I know a little bit.”