“Terminator: Dark Fate” actor Gabriel Luna has joined the cast of HBO’s “The Last of Us” series adaptation, joining previously announced stars Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey.
Based on the hit PlayStation game developed by Naughty Dog, the series takes place 20 years after a fungal plague has destroyed civilization. Pascal stars as Joel, a hardened survivor hired to smuggle Ellie (Ramsey), a 14-year-old girl with an apparent immunity to the plague, away from an oppressive quarantine zone and into the care of scientists supposedly on the verge of a breakthrough.
Luna will play Tommy, Joel’s younger brother, a former soldier who hasn’t lost his sense of idealism and hope for a better world.
“The Last of Us” will be written by “Chernobyl” writer Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann, the game’s creator. Russian filmmaker Kantemir Balagov, who broke out at Cannes with 2019’s “Beanpole,” will direct the pilot.
The series is a co-production with Sony Pictures Television, PlayStation Productions, Word Games, The Mighty Mint, and Naughty Dog. Executive producers include Carolyn Strauss of The Mighty Mint, Naughty Dog’s Evan Wells, Asad Qizilbash and Carter Swan of PlayStation Productions and Rose Lam.