Funny or Die Turns Corporate Media Mergers Into an Apocalyptic Action Film (Video)

Only Abby Cornish can save us… with her podcast

The scariest thing happening in entertainment media isn’t what we see on our screens — no matter how many apocalyptic nightmare doomsday action films are produced — but what’s going on in the boardrooms.

Put them all together, and you have a depressingly realistic satire.

Also read: Tech Trade Group Rips Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger

Funny or Die — which, it should be noted, has investment from Time Warner’s HBO — produced this Abby Cornish video that turns Disney and AT&T into the Godzillas of the corporate world, wreaking havoc on American cities and freedom of expression. Sure, our shores may not actually be under attack, but with only one cable provider option, is total annihilation all that much worse?

Also read: Funny or Die Channels Comcast: ‘We Don’t Give a F— About You’ (Video)

The most depressing part of this clip is that, if it were to be made into a real movie, that film would probably be distributed by a major media conglomerate.
