At the game between the New York Mets and the St. Louis Cardinals Tuesday night at Citi Field, fans booed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie after he caught a foul ball.
“A souvenir for Chris Christie, are you kidding me?” said the Fox Sports Midwest announcer. “Nice to see him get from the beach down to the ballpark.”
In the clip above — watch with sound on — you can see Cardinals second baseman Paul Dejong pop a foul ball, which flies over to Christie sitting close to the field. He stands up to high-five nearby fans, but the stadium overwhelmingly fills with the sound of boos.
People must still be salty seeing Christie enjoy another American summer activity after “Beachgate.” Christie shut down a public beach over Fourth of July weekend, only to bring family and friends onto the beach to enjoy by themselves. When asked by reporters why he could have access to the park while others couldn’t, he responded, “That’s just the way it goes.” He went on to add, “The governor has a residence at Island Beach. Others don’t. Run for governor and you can have the residence.”
In June, Politico reported that Christie is New Jersey’s lowest-approved governor, ever.