Fox News has the most trustworthy television news reporters.
Or –depending on whom you ask — the least trustworthy television reporters.
Public Policy Polling's annual survey of TV news found that when asked which network they trusted and mistrusted the most, a plurality of people answered Fox News for both categories
"When it comes to asking Americans which single outlet they trust the most and least out of the ones we polled on, Fox News once again wins both honors," PPP said in its report. “Forty-one percent of voters trust it to 46 percent who do not. To put those numbers into some perspective the first time we did this poll, in 2010, 49 percent of voters trusted it to 37 percent who did not.”
Asked which outlet they trusted the most, the 800 surveyed over the last month ranked Fox at 34 percent with PBS next at 13 percent, CNN at 12 percent, ABC at 11 percent, MSNBC at eight percent, CBS at six percent and Comedy Central and NBC at five percent each.
But even more Americans identify Fox as the outlet they trust the least — 39 percent give its that designation with 14 percent for MSNBC, 13 percent for CNN, 12 percent for Comedy Central, five percent for ABC and CBS, three percent for NBC, and one percent for PBS.
But Fox's rankings also have the whiff of partisanship.
Democrats, unsurprisingly, tend to believe every network except Fox; Republicans don't trust anything as much as they do Fox.
“We continue to find that Democrats trust most TV news sources other than Fox, while Republicans don’t trust anything except Fox,” Dean Debnam, president of the polling group, said in a statement. “News preferences are very polarizing along party lines."