GOP Debate Kicks off With a Question About  ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ and People Online Point and Laugh

“Is this a PR event for this song?”

Fox News Asks About Rich Men North of Richmond at GOP Primary Debate
Fox News

Fox News moderators kicked off the first GOP primary debate with a long-winded question about the unlikely hit song by Oliver Anthony, “Rich Men North of Richmond.” But if they hoped to set the night off on an inspiring note, the exact opposite result happened on social media, where baffled users roasted the conservative news network thoroughly.

“The number one song on the Billboard Chart is called ‘Rich Men North of Richmond.’ It is by a singer from Farmville, Virginia, named Oliver Anthony,” that question began.

“His lyrics speak of alienation, of deep frustration, with the state of the government and of this country.” After playing an excerpt from the song, MacCallum asked, “So, Governor DeSantis, why is this song striking such a nerve in this country right now? What do you think it means?”

Even before DeSantis could bless the stage with his reply, users across Twitter had already provided plenty. As one person put it, “Lol. What? Is this a PR event for this song? #GOPDebate #republicanDebate.”

Another person chimed in, “Of course, they’re playing that simplistic song by the ginger nazi. #GOPDebate

Some wondered about the state of mind of the man who wrote the song in the first place. Twitter user Perry Johnson’s Hair contributed, “Rich Men North of Richmond was written while the singer was drunk. Guaranteed. #GOPDebate #Debate

The fact that the debate kicked off with a question about a song in the first place was a sign to many that there would be little to take seriously from the entire night. As one user put it, “The first Fox News question is about that stupid song?! Not about January 6th? Not about Trump? Oy vey, this is gonna be a stupid night. #GOPDebate
