Fox News Brazenly Compares Trump to Richard Nixon, Positively: ‘The Greatest Comeback of All Time’ | Video

Despite Trump’s “chaos,” “commotion” and “court cases,” Brian Kilmeade believes the former president’s making history

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was deep in a fantasy Sunday morning when he informed viewers, “I want to talk about the comeback.” While clutching a sheaf of paper and bouncing on his toes, Kilmeade insisted that Donald Trump is on the verge of achieving something along the lines of what Harry Truman, Richard Nixon (laid out in a positive fashion) and even Michael Jordan have done: a resurrection, if you will.

“We’ve seen a lot in politics throughout American history,” Kilmeade continued. “First and foremost, perhaps, maybe the greatest: Harry Truman. Down in the polls, trying to fill FDR’s shoes and navigate the aftermath of a World War. Thought to have little chance of winning the election in 1948. Stuns.”

He showed the famous “Dewey Beats Truman” newspaper headline that ran, despite Truman actually pulling out a surprise victory.

“And you may have forgotten about Richard Nixon, who rose from the political graveyard. The year: 1962. After losing the governor’s race to Pat Brown in California, bitterly proclaimed, ‘I am done with politics,’” Kilmeade went on. “Yeah, well, he came back and he won the White House in ’68 and ’72.”

Of the Nixon presidency, Kilmeade briefly acknowledged the obvious — “We know how that ended” — before he added, “But man, he was a great story for a while. There is no denying, though, they were great comebacks, so unexpected, but we might just be witnessing the greatest of all. Yes, it’s the same man that pulled off the biggest upset in political history back in 2016: Donald J. Trump.”

Kilmeade added that it’s easy to get “caught up” in Trump’s “commotion,” “chaos” and “court cases” (how’s that for alliteration), but insisted viewers “think about the way Trump left the White House in 2020. Impeached back in 2022 after the midterm elections. Many of these candidates, you may remember, flamed out. It seemed like the former president was damaged goods.”

Despite that, Kilmeade added, Trump “announced he was running again, and he has not looked back since.”

There’s one more heavyweight that Kilmeade compared Trump to, somewhat bizarrely: Michael Jordan.

“I know I sound like a sports announcer talking about a team or a play or the run of a lifetime like Michael Jordan, coming back to win three championships in a row after leaving the game of basketball altogether,” Kilmeade said before he showed a clip of Jordan clinching the Chicago Bulls’ second three-peat in 1997.

“It’s time someone acknowledges this comeback, because you cannot deny what is happening before our eyes,” Kilmeade asserted. “And part of the reason that comeback is happening is because the things Trump stands for are exactly what the things Americans can no longer stand to witness, like a wide-open border.”

“It’s easy to get caught up in the daily drama, the trials, the flamboyant personality, but the truth is, we are witnessing a man, even through immense adversity, well on his way to locking up the GOP nomination and leading President Biden in almost every single battleground state,” Kilmeade added. “What we are witnessing is unprecedented, it is historic. In many ways, he’s already pulled off a hell of a comeback. So buckle up, and we’ll see if he can finish the job.”

President Truman assumed the responsibility of leading the United States following the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He wasn’t particularly popular at the time, which the National Archives notes was largely because he was inconsistent with his views on the state of Palestine. Truman had initially supported the Morrison-Grady plan for the region in 1946, but changed his views after consulting with the American Zionist lobby.

Truman’s political party, the Southern Democrats, was also in the process of falling apart.

Nearly 20 years later, Richard Nixon told a group of reporters the day after Election Day in 1962 that he was finished with politics altogether. Nixon had been defeated by Pat Brown in California’s gubernatorial race. Of course, he ran a hardline “law and order” campaign for the presidency several years later and won.

As for the 1997 NBA Finals, there is no disputing that Jordan was and is unmatched. After returning to basketball following his retirement and decision to play baseball, he led the Bulls to the championship at the conclusion of the 1995-1996 season. The win rejuvenated the team, who won again after the 1996-1997 season. The Bulls took home their 5th set of rings in 7 years, setting the stage for a third victory the next season.

Jordan of course delivered, and the team entered into what would go on to be referred to as their “Last Dance.”

Watch the Brian Kilmeade segment in the video above.
