‘Fox & Friends’ Trashes Trump Over Syrian Withdrawal: ‘He Just Refounded ISIS’ (Video)

For the third consecutive day, the show criticizes Trump, who is a regular viewer

“Fox & Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade was not having any of Sarah Sanders’ defense of President Trump’s plan to withdraw U.S. soldiers from Syria, telling the White House press secretary that Trump’s actions were tantamount to “refounding ISIS.”

“Sarah, he’s giving Russia a big win, Vladimir Putin praised him. He’s also doing exactly what he criticized President Obama for doing. He said President Obama was the founder of ISIS. He just refounded ISIS,” Kilmeade said. “They got 30,000 men there and they’re already striking back with our would-be evacuation. The president, he’s really on the griddle with this.”

Sanders said she “vehemently” disagreed with Kilmeade, but could not herself suppress a chuckle in her own response.

“The idea that the president has had anything to do with helping ISIS remerge is outrageous,” Sanders said. “The president has put so much emphasis on rebuilding and making sure we have the strongest military on the face of the planet. If ISIS wants to pick a fight with someone, they sure as heck don’t want to pick one with Donald Trump because he will destroy them.”

“By leaving he’s helping,” Kilmeade shot back before the segment ended with some awkward Merry Christmas wishes.

It was the third day in a row that Trump’s favorite television show called him out over a spate of policy decisions which have divided his core supporters. The “Fox & Friends” spent much of Thursday also trashing Trump over Syria with Kilmeade saying the matter was potentially worse than President Obama’s decision to withdraw from Iraq in 2011.

And on Wednesday, it was Steve Doocy’s turn to roll his eyes, after Trump initialed appeared willing to retreat on getting federal funding for his long promised wall along the Mexican border, the “Fox & Friends” co-host said he was thunderstruck.

“What a stunning turn of events,” Doocy said. “If he agrees to the [continuing resolution] which would continue funding the government at the current levels … he loses and the Democrats will win everything they want.”
