‘Fox & Friends’ Guest Chants ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ to Revive Viral ‘F– Joe Biden’ Chant

Will Cain interviewed South Carolina diners about why they love Fox News

Fox News
Fox News Media

A South Carolina diner patron interviewed on Fox News Thursday morning ended his talk chanting something pretty innocuous to the untrained ear: “Let’s go, Brandon.”

But the “Fox & Friends” segment indicates how the phrase has taken hold in right-wing circles in recent days as a safe-for-work way to say “F— Joe Biden.”

It all started last Saturday when NASCAR driver Brandon Brown was being interviewed after his win at Alabama’s Talladega Speedway while the crowd was loudly repeating the anti-Biden chant. The NBC reporter either misheard or was trying to salvage a live broadcast laden with politics and curse words by falsely suggesting that the crowd was chanting, “Let’s go, Brandon.” (Search the phrase on Twitter to see for yourself.)

The phrase reappeared on Thursday’s “Fox & Friends,” as correspondents were dispatched to diners across America to talk to patrons and celebrate the network’s 25th anniversary.

Will Cain was in Greeneville, South Carolina, talking to two early risers named Kelly and Neil. Kelly said she loves Fox News because the network’s hosts “tell the truth.”

Then, it was Neil’s turn: “I watch Fox News because it’s America. It’s my America. It’s a real station telling the real truth every day. And by the way, ‘Let’s go, Brandon!’”

Cain quickly pulled back the mic and said Neil was “a big college football fan” as hosts in the studio laughed.
