‘Fox and Friends’ Says Trump Courts ‘Anarchy’ With Call for Election Protests: ‘There Is No Proof’ of Fraud

“If they have 200 dead people voting in Nevada, can I see the names?” asks Brian Kilmeade

Brian Kilmeade
Getty Images

The hosts of Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” said Monday that outgoing president Donald Trump is courting “anarchy” with his call for post-election protests.

Ainsley Earhardt outlined the concerns Republicans — particularly the strongest of Trump’s base — are highlighting as they back Trump’s baseless assertion that widespread fraud led to the election of President-elect Joe Biden. Trump’s supporters and allies, as Earhardt noted, have pointed to worries over the possibility of phony votes being attributed to dead people or mail-in ballot fraud.

“That’s the case that Donald Trump and his lawyers have put out. They said there’s all this evidence but they haven’t really produced the evidence,” countered Steve Doocy.

He noted that in the audio of a call between Trump and the Georgia secretary of state published over the weekend, Trump raised the possibility of “thousands of dead people” voting. Secretary Brad Raffensperger pointed out that the president had incorrect data and the state had already looked into those claims and found nothing to back them up.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade said that what he’s most worried about is “the protest the president is calling for on Tuesday and Wednesday.”

He explained, “I mean, this is the type of anarchy that doesn’t work for anybody — Republicans or Democrats — in the big picture and I just think it’s up to the president’s legal team to produce what they are telling them they have. For example, if they have thousands — if they have 200 dead people voting in Nevada, can I see the names?”

Watch below.


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