Sophie Turner Laing, former managing director of content at British Sky Broadcasting, will head a new TV production group formed by the three-way merger of Endemol, Shine and Core Media.
Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox, which owns Shine, and Apollo Global Management, which controls Endemol and Core Media, have appointed Turner Laing chief executive of the new company, according to a report in London’s Financial Times.
“Big Brother,” “MasterChef” and “American Idol” are among the programs to be produced by the new entity.
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Endemol’s chief executive Just Spee and Shine Group CEO Alex Mahon will exit their positions but stay with the company during the transition, according to the report.
Turner Laing in May stepped down from BSkyB, where she had spent 11 years and was responsible for its non-sports programming. She has been the vice-president of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts since 2010.